Friday, August 13, 2004

Blustery Update

This is our first posting with the wedding countdown banner! Thanks to Darcy for posting the last few blogs. I have had no excuse for not posting other than I haven't made time for it. I'm at work on my day off (see my personal blog if you're interested) and should really be at home. Hurricane Charley is looming west about 170 miles so it is quite windy here. Anyway I'm glad that Darcy compiled a webliography of wedding books she's checked out. Bear in mind she's read most of them! However, I think my favorite one is The Budget Wedding Sourcebook by Barilla. I especially like the Budget Blueprint chapter and its ten categories. One column lists the product/service, another column has the estimated price and the last column has the actual price. I need to photocopy the checklist.

I guess there really isn't much of an update for our wedding plans. We've been engaged two and a half months but haven't been able to make many concrete decisions. Darcy is right that we could start on creating our wedding vows. Neither of us want biblical references but I would like to have some Pagan comments. One book we looked at discussed Pagan ceremonies that incorporated elements from other religions. Darcy and I have discussed a bit about what we may wear. I've only seen one magazine ad for wedding dress that I really liked. It was not your traditional fluffy, poofy thing. I'd have to have the picture in front of me to describe it. Apparently it was the same advertisement that Darcy's Mom had seen!

My Dad sent me links to three tent sites in Edmonton. There is Special Event Rentals, Big Top Rentals, Superior Show Services, and Event Ready Rentals and Services. I think my Dad rented supplies from Special Events Rentals for his wedding to Heather in 1997. It was a nice big tent they had in their backyard. This should be something that I can plan with my Dad's help.

We've also looked in more stores for rings but have not had much luck. Darcy bugs me that I should have picked one out for her beforehand. But I'm glad I didn't because I would have likely chosen something she wouldn't have liked. She could have returned it but it would have felt strange doing it. There have been a few that I've liked but I forget the metal that is used with the gold. It's gun metal grey and very light weight. A few have a gold strip inlaid and others have had a wavey design. The traditional plain bands are nice too but I think I want something a bit different. Darcy mentioned the option of just buying her ring without a rock and buying one online. Stores online have money back guarantees (assuming we feel comfortable with the website). There have been testamonials about people getting good deals online. If we don't suddenly buy a diamond ring here we can shop at Birks in Ottawa in a couple of weeks.

We wish we could have a date settled and begin planning but that is contingent on our fate with securing jobs at the UAE library. If we're not hired then we'll have the ceremony on August 6, 2005. If we are hired then we would likely move the ceremony back to perhaps Christmas. So the waiting continues...


  1. The metal you've been looking at is titanium...indeed very light!

    I'll post a picture of that dress if I find one online.

  2. Thanks! My mind is addled...

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Dad here...enjoyed the phone chat Michael..relieved to hear you both are OK. Will call again tomorrow you both
