We enjoyed our two week trip to Alberta and B.C. The weather was great and we visited with many friends and family. My friend Keith, in Calgary, took some photos of us in the basement of his home. It looked like a real studio and I think that the photos turned out great despite Sophia being a bit cranky!
Meanwhile we're starting to pack up for the move to our new house on Sept. 3 This will be our third move within one year! Hopefully we'll stay put for a while...
August has rolled around and we've enjoyed some great summer weather. Our vacation to Alberta and British Columbia starts on August 5. It will be an adjustment to only have a two week break compared to a month or more when we lived in Abu Dhabi. We'll sign mortgage papers this week and pay the remainder of the mortgage balance. We move in a month from now and we have to pack up some things for one final time, or at least not for a few years after this! It's exciting but a lot of work lies ahead.
Sophia is still on the verge of walking on her own. It's cute how she wants you to take her hands and help her walk. She's also so much more engaged in playing too. I've managed to make a short video of her in July (where did that month go?!)
Half the year has gone by already and much has happened. It's been wonderful watching Sophia grow, express emotions, babble, and try to stand and walk. Her sleeping patterns have improved greatly but Mom and Dad aren't getting enough shut eye. Michael's sciatica and disc problems are bad and a MRI appointment scheduled the day before we leave for our summer vacation will likely reveal the damage to his "old" back.
Other big news is that we bought a house on June 20! Darcy and I still can't believe it. Our agent told us about a brand new listing that day and we literally had to stand in line to view the property. It was within our price range, close to the University, had many upgrades on the main floor and seemed to have a solid basement. We wisely bid higher and got the house. Our move date is September 3 and we hope to live there a long time!
My mother visited us for a few days in June and ironically left the morning of the day that we bought the house. Enjoy the latest video of our daughter....
Hi everyone! We finally created Sophia's latest video (see below). She turned one year old and it's been a wonderful time watching Sophia grow and develop. Spring is in full swing here and Sophia has spent some quality time outdoors in our community garden and front lawn.
Sophia's Grandma Gain will visit for the first time in June so it will be a special visit. Our two week summer vacation plan is to drive to Calgary and visit friends, spend three nights at our favorite stay in the Rocky Mountains (Alpine Village), fly to Vancouver and visit Darcy's relatives, and conclude with a few days in Edmonton.
We had a wonderful Christmas with family in Edmonton. Sophia's first Christmas was memorable and I've just finished making a video about it. It's been cold and snowy which made it a winter wonderland.